Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The First hurdle of 2YN novel

Writing has been going smoothly. This morning I finished chapter nine, which means I have officially passed the first hurdle. I have a complete beginning to my story. The next hurdle is getting to the middle of the book. I think enjoying writing this novel so much, probably more then anything I've ever written before. But since I have finished the middle, It's time for me to spend some money on myself and buy something that will help out with my writing. I just don't know what yet, maybe some software or something.

NaNo. I have planned a novel to sit down and write in NaNo. It has an interesting concept, and is definitely not what I thought I would be writing. But I've begun to put together a folder for it. So everything is beginning to come around. I'm hoping to write my NaNo novel and my 2YN novel at the same time.

As far as titles are concerned, I've never been very good at coming up with them, though I do like my title for my NaNo novel. Which leads to the point that I need to hurry up and come up with a title for my 2YN, but nothing I come up with seems to fit. I have called it the Deadly Sins trilogy, but that doesn't entirely fit anymore either. So that is my next task, to figure out a title that suits my novel (even if it does get changed at a later date.)

Anway, here's a little synopsis type thing for the NaNo novel I plan on writing;

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When Scarlett Milligan hears her brother has been taken prisoner in Ava'Knale, she swears that she will use every part of her in born mage talent to free him, no matter the cost, but upon arriving she finds that the situation is worse then she could have expected. When Ganix Abel, and exiled sorcerer from her Father's fellowship, creates a poison with the power to rot the body inside out, Scarlett finds she has a choice to make. The life of her brother, or the lives of an entire race?

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Anonymous said...

Wow Lyra, your NaNo novel sounds exciting!

Chapter nine? Dang, girlie. You're doing fantastic! keep up the great work. :)

Blackfire said...

Ah, thankyou soleil for your great encouragement. ^_^ I like the way this little piece is turning out as well. It will be nice to write something that is a hell of a lot smaller then my 2Yn novel as well. It seems to go on forever :P At the moment I am just a little bit behind in my wordcount for 2Yn, but I am hoping to use this weekend to boost up the word count and get some extra words in. I have made my 10,000 words Sunday Write in, a permanent thing in my timetable. I really loved it last week, so I will use it during NaNo and for the rest of my 2Yn book. It gave me great satisfaction to finish typing and see that I had written just over 10,000 words last Sunday, and I can't wait to do it again!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the write in was successful. It's always nice to find new writing habits/tricks/methods that work. I hope the ritual continues to be helpful.

Reading your accomplishments always gives me a boost. To think you've been able to do this while still in high school, it's just mind boggling to me. I had to wait until I graduated last year before I decided to pursue writing "seriously", because I knew I would never have had the focus to do what I'm doing now on top of schoolwork.

I admire your determination, Lyra. May it continue to serve you well.

Blackfire said...

:D I think that if I didn't have my writing, and my horse riding, whilst still doing school I would go crazy. It's true that I could do a lot better in school, like study harder and stuff, but I need something to fall back on, something to take the stress off, something not school. Writing is my way of disconnecting with the world, and becoming full immersed into someone else's life. It has been difficult at times, but somehow I've been able to keep consistent grades, they are actually much better then my grades in junior school.

MissKris said...

Hi, I found your blog thru your nano profile. I'm in SWR but are looking to move to PM maybe we could catch up?
I'm very excited about your novel, have you read any Catherine Asaro?

Blackfire said...

Hey a fellow NaNoer!
^_^ Catherine Asaro, hmm, I haven't heard of her, but it looks like you just added another author to my very long to be read list.

So what genre do you write? It would be cool to talk to another NaNoer! ^_^ My friends and family don't always seem to understand how important writing is to me, lol.