Tuesday, April 22, 2008


My story is not following my outline all that well ::sigh:: and I really want to keep writing for the day but I am going to work very soon, so unfortunately I cannot! But I have made progress today, and have gone way over my weekly goal, so I am quite happy. Two scenes a day is probably the best that I can do on the days that I have to work. Word count is now 6491/30000, this story will be complete, no matter what!


Wologal said...

Sometimes it's ok if the story doesn't follow the outline. It might mean the outline needs revised or you just though up cool new stuff to add....er which would pretty much necessitate updating the outline wouldn't it. Right... Well I'll be over here now waking up and trying to buy a brain from the scarecrow.

Anonymous said...

Outlines frigthen me.I like to think I have a good mix of an Organic and Linear writer. Othertimes I know better. *grin* So I'm probably not qaulified to offer advise.

Wolo, while you're over there would you mind picking me up a heart from the Tin Man?

Wologal said...

HAHAHAHAHA sure thing Soleil. I got ya covered.

I make no pretenses at striking that wonderful balance you have. I'm all organic. The story comes, I write it down, I revise said story plot as I go and hope it doesn't mess up too much of what I've already written.

Blackfire said...

Ah I am the complete opposite with absolutely no balance what so ever. I plan everything out, I need an outline to even begin a story, to me that is more important than even knowing the characters, I know shock horror! But hey, most of my stories steer a bit off the outline, but they are basically what the outline wants, I never redo an outline, I'm too lazy, so I just go with the flow, my outlines only have one sentence anyway, and usually only serve to remind me the very basics of the plot. But they are my life jacket when my boat has sunk and I'm in the middle of a bad storm! I can't ever begin a story without one, have tried, end up never completing the piece and shoving it in my little filing case.

Wologal said...

It's kind of neat and fascinating how we're all three different on this. Soleil is the balanced one and you and I are on opposite edges.

The writing process is so individualized and I love finding out what that means to each person. I really should have gone into social anthropology. I love asking questions and understanding things.

Anonymous said...

I love to hear writer's blog about their process. 'Talk Shop,' as it were. *grin*

Say Wolo, what is it you're studying if not social anthropology?

Blackfire said...

Yeah, I find it seriously fascinating to find out the ways that different writers do things, it is really neat!

I second with Soleil, what is it that you are studying?

Wologal said...

I'm not studying anything. I'm not in school. :(

I'm currently looking for my next contract. I tend to work in tech.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad Wolo. I'm not in school either. ;)

Blackfire said...

Trust me, I am in school, and I can't wait until its over. Though I'm going back next year, crazy I know! I think it is because I am in a school that has such high standards and pushes you so rediculously hard that I am ready to stop. But then I think and I say, if I was not at school, where would I be? Answer is, I would be nowhere, cause I don't have qualifications for anything! So that means I will have to continue on with school. It does have its up sides, but it is very stressful, guess what I've been doing today? Maths assignment, and it is HUGE! and I am really really slow at maths -_-. So really, don't feel bad!