Tuesday, November 4, 2008

NaNo Snippet

Thought I'd share a bit of what I've written. This is probably my Favorite scene in the book and was the one I used for my excerpt in my NaNo profile.

The brig smelt like fresh spring flowers. Scarlett screwed up her nose. This was obviously the work of one of the women Acolytes, charged with cleaning the brig out. Obviously no one had told her that the place was supposed to instill fear into any prisoners on the ship, and so a rotten smell would have been more appropriate. Now the prisoners would probably think they were going to heaven instead of a place of punishment.

Her stomach growled with hunger once again. She was going to have to eat the smoked meat, no matter that she really didn't feel like it anymore. Reaching up to her shoulder, she remembered she'd taken it off to get into the barrel. In her rush to get away without her Father finding out, she'd left it in the bottom of the barrel. Her stomach growled in anguish, cursing her for her stupidity.

There was now only one thing left for her to do. Get one of the Acolytes to bring her something down. Sending out her awareness once again, getting rather sick of using so much magic in the one night, she found the woman who was acting as chef that night. She put a small seed of thought into her head, and was glad when the Acolyte accepted it and began to prepare her a meal. She wouldn't even need to get out of the brig to get it.

Sitting back she waited for her food to come to her. It was easier then she thought, and her Father would never even know.

Footsteps echoed outside of the brig door, Scarlett sat up in anticipation, waiting for the girl to walk through the door, so that she could convince her that she wasn't really there, and it was her own imagination.

The door swung open with force, but to her dismay it was not the cook who stood in the doorway. Scarlett swallowed heavily. She was in so much trouble.


Anonymous said...

Things don't seem to be boding well for Scarlett. (Love her name, by the way!)

15 k? Holy damn, Lyra! You're making great progress. :) keep up the great work!

Blackfire said...

Thankyou. I saw the wonderful progress you have up as well ^_^ I was off work for a couple of days, so i had some extra time, lol.