Thursday, January 29, 2009

Three Chapters to go!

I finished Chapter 33 and Chapter 34 today. Wrote 8,154 words, which was again another big day. Tomorrow is going to be a big day as well. So far I have 180,000 words and so I'm guessing, judging by how many Chapters I have left, I'm going to have about 195,000 words of story when I finally finish. Which is quite a bit more than I planned for.

The finish however is looming near, which makes me more hopeful. I applied for three jobs today, and resubmitted my profile in the businesses here in little port. It amazed me that there were actually vacancies. Hopefully I will be able to get a new job then. My current one isn't giving me enough work, but if I can balance two, then I will be able to save some for Uni ^^So that will be good.

I'm just so excited! Soon (Next Thursday) I will have a clean plate so I can begin on some new works and a couple of short stories. I like writing short stories here and there. ^^ It'll also give me some time to concentrate on How to think Sideways and begin coming up with some ideas for that I've already got a few in mind. They're still fantasy, but a little different from my usual style. Though I also want to try for an entirely different genre during this course. Maybe a full on romance? That could be fun, I can already feel the possibilities.


Anonymous said...

A full on romance? Nice. Always good to try new things. I had an idea for a thriller. ;) Though it might end up being mixed genre since I can't seem to stay away from fantasy or science fiction.

Soooooooooooo close with Pirates! Keep it up!

Blackfire said...

Yeah I've never written something that isn't fantasy before, so this is like going to be right out of my comfort zone. But then, I think it all depends on what my muse gives me. I really can't wait to sink my teeth into lesson 3!

A thriller? That would be really cool! I would so read it!